Posts in Politics
The Notice Blog: Climate Change Skeptic Scott Pruitt to Head EPA

Last week, a GOP-dominated senate confirmed Scott Pruitt as head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, despite Democrats best attempts to delay his vote. Here's why you should be concerned:

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Let's Talk About Walls...

I haven’t seen the movie. I’m not going to. But I have seen both trailers twice, and I read most of the Wikipedia synopsis, which is all I need to denounce this congregation of moving images as a blight on humanity. If you haven’t seen the trailers, nor read most of the Wikipedia synopsis, worry not. I’ll save you the trouble.

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Kim Kardashian + Ethnography + Stereotypes | The Heights

Kim Kardashian + Ethnography + Stereotypes | The Heights

A new talk show that follows the cast of "In the Heights," in living rooms, subway cars, and everywhere dope convos happen.

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100 Days of Resistance: Day 4 "The Shining City on a Hill"

Much like the 1940s, a lot of the rhetoric surrounding this issue is focused on fear mongering that terrorists will somehow infiltrate the refugees from Syria and Iraq and carry out an attack on the United States. To reiterate, these refugees are trying to come here to escape exactly that kind of violence, not to carry it out. The fact is that there has not been a single case of someone posing as a refugee and carrying out an act of terror.

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100 Days of Resistance: Day 3 "Am I Human?"

They claim they’re keeping ‘men out of the women’s’ bathroom. I am being told that I am a predator. That I am likely a rapist. That I am likely a pedophile. Of course, none of these things are true, and if anything these bills put men in the women’s bathroom by forcing trans-men to use the women’s room. Once again, my basic humanity is a subject of debate by mostly heterosexual cisgender men who know nothing of trans identity other than their own prejudice and don’t care to learn about it or to humanize it"

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100 Days of Resistance: Day 2 “Donald Trump is the Most Anti-Israel US President in Generations”

Every single day for the next 100 days I will post another piece that resists President Trump and his administration. [..] Today’s piece is on the Israeli – Palestinian Conflict and moving our embassy to Jerusalem.


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