"Willow" Awards, Screenings and More!

After 10+ years of rewrites, fundraising, and development - “Willow” finally received its first award as a short film. It’s only the beginning, but what an amazing start! I traveled to Chicago for the 2023 Black Film Summit, and after seeing a litany of talented filmmakers, and their equally groundbreaking work, I was convinced that I’d have to wait for the next festival to win any accolades. As each winner was announced, I grew more, and more sure that “Willow” wouldn’t be chosen, and then - for the final winner of the night, they announced the winner of the 2023 Black Film Summit for Best Short Film to be, none other than “Willow.”

The first word that came from my mouth was literally: “What?” I had dug myself into such a deep hole of Imposter Syndrome, that I didn’t realize what we created. My mind was a flurry: “I wasn’t ready!” Was the next thing I uttered, then - and it’s a bit embarrassing to admit - I asked that the host announce the winner again, so I could get it all on camera. Thinking about this moment still makes me smile. It’s a wonderful memory, filled with Black Joy, Community, and Love.

Every artist is their own worst critic, and ironically their own best promoter - and as much as I acknowledge the arbitrary value we place on award ceremonies - this experience opened my eyes to the significance these spaces can play in affirming the value of one’s work. It allowed me to pull my head above the water, and for a breath of self-reflection and celebration.

For that, I am extremely thankful to the people behind the Black Film Summit, and other film festivals like it. There was a certain way of care paid to each Filmmaker and their work that I haven’t seen in years - it was absolutely rejuvenating.

I’ll be returning to Chicago once more for the 2023 Afrofuturism849 Film Festival to screen “Willow” in July. However, that won’t be the only thing you should put on your radar. We also have two other events coming up in NYC in June. Click below:

  1. Willow | Staged Reading + Q & A w/ Cast and Director | June 2nd @ 8:30pm

  2. Willow | Short Film Screening + Q & A w/ Cast and Director | June 18th @ 6pm